“Assumptions are the mother of all mistakes” Eugene Lewis With sayings like this, it’s no wonder that the mere mention of the word ASSUMPTION has you running for the hills. Whether in our personal lives or at work, we’ve all experienced the undesirable consequence...
When we run a business, we should be able to impart how our product or service may help in resolving our [potential] customer’s needs. In client delivery it’s called pain points – it refers to various problems or issues that your customers face and what you do...
In designing a business process, it is vital to consider other stakeholders who will be impacted or have an impact during the course or as a result of its implementation. It may be easy to focus specifically on the individuals or groups who are directly involved in...
Managing a project can sometimes feel overwhelming, with so many moving parts, disaster can strike at any moment if you fail to spot and address potential problems promptly. This is where project management tools such as Kanban Boards can make project management run...
A project can be as small as one task, a piece of standalone work or part of a bigger programme of work. They can all be approached in the same way using the following methodology which helps to understand the size, complexity, stakeholders and very important –...