Induction is one of the most important stages in the recruitment process. Yet, many businesses overlook the value of a carefully planned and organised induction procedure. Induction, in fact, helps the company and its inductees start off on the right foot and reduce the time that new hires need to settle into their new roles. Most of all, it reduces the possibility of losing a new hire within the first few days of their employment. 

Induction gives the new team member confidence in your business practices 

It is normal for a new employee to feel insecure or anxious about the new role and how they fit in your organisation’s culture and business practices. The on-boarding process is an opportunity for the business to make a good first impression.  

 Induction helps new employees have a clear understanding of how the organisation works, where it is now, where it envisions itself to be in the future, and how they, as new recruits can contribute to making that vision a reality. Inductees will have an insight into the company’s background, culture and values, policies, benefits, learning and development, and health and safety policies, among others.  

 Ultimately, the induction process is an opportunity to make the new employees feel proud of their new company. Inductees will have a sense of inclusion because they will know that they and their contributions to the company will be valued. 

Induction sets the scene for the inductee’s new role 

Another objective of the induction process is to introduce the new employee to the organisational setup and their primary duties and responsibilities. At the end of the induction process, the new employees should have a clear understanding of their role in the company and have all the information they need to prepare themselves for their new role. 

Induction shows the professionalism of the business 

As mentioned, induction is an opportunity for the company to create a good impression. The induction process requires careful planning and is a formalised way of welcoming new hires into the company. This reflects on the company’s commitment to adhere to professional standards as far as conducting its business and managing its existing employees and new hires. 

Induction gives the new team member a structure to settle in  

Inducting new employees provides a way for the organisation to present a structure to help them settle in their new role and make the integration process seamless. Usually, it will include a road map of their journey as new hires including relevant training and their short-term and long-term goals.   

Induction makes sure that the important elements of people and practices are clearly defined 

Lastly, induction allows the new employees to meet and get introduced to the rest of the staff and the management team and to socialise and start building relationships. Also, induction ensures that inductees are clear as to the rules and regulations, employee expectations, and code of conduct. 


A well-organised orientation process is a testament to the company’s commitment to make its employees feel valued. Induction helps new hires feel welcome and remove their anxieties and confusion. In the end, the company benefits from a well-thought-out induction process: enhanced job satisfaction, improved performance, and increased employee retention.